Tip: Use Google for Conversions – Wichita IT Support

Visit the Proper Technology Solutions home page for more information about affordable Wichita computer support that is efficient, affordable and reliable.

Wichita IT Support Tip for July 18th, 2011 [google1]

How far is 10k?  How many ounces are in 5 kilograms?  How many Dollars is 100,000 Euros?

As an IT consultant in Wichita, I’ve been asked by numerous customers about finding free or low cost software that will make their lives easier.  In answering, I’m usually guided to find something that will help them do things that they are forced to do all the time.  In our business and personal lives, we’re apt to have to make conversions.  It may be between Standard measurement and Metric or just between similar items.

Let’s use Google and ask our questions in a way it will understand.

Question 1: 

Human Question: How far is 10k in miles?
Google Question: 10k in miles
Google Answer:

Google Conversions

Google Conversions

 Question 2:

Human Question: How many Ounces are in 5 kilograms?
Google Question: 5 kilograms in Ounces
Google Answer:

Google Conversions
Google Conversions

Question 3:

Human Question: How many Dollars is 100,000 Euros?
Google Question: 100,000 Euros in Dollars
Google Answer:

Google Currency Conversion

Google Currency Conversion

As you can see, we’ve done all these conversions without even visiting another website.  Quick and easy.  There’s some other search feature tools available that might save you time as well.  Google has some more information here.

Proper Technology Solutions is a Wichita IT company devoted to your small business.  We want to take the sting out of high IT support costs and costly minimum service charges.  With rates starting at just $70/hour with no minimum fees, we can provide you with fast response, highly trained technicians and peak customer service.  Give us a call at (316) 337-5628 to discuss your computer repair and consulting needs.  Whether you have one computer or a multi-location network, we have certified, college-educated technicians that can help.


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Tip: Suggested Contacts in Outlook 2010 – Wichita IT Support

Visit the Proper Technology Solutions homepage to learn more about affordable and fast IT support in Wichita and surrounding areas.

Wichita IT Support Tip for July 14th, 2011 [google1]

So your business runs on email.  You contact leads, referrals and others to build your business and your network.  Let’s make the process of adding those connections into your contacts a little less painless and perhaps tap a goldmine you don’t realize you’re sitting on.

We all know about the contacts folder in Microsoft Outlook.  Let’s look at the list of people you know that probably should be contacts, but you’ve forgotten about them.

Step 1:  Open Outlook and go to the Contacts tab:

Outlook 2010 Contacts Tab

Outlook 2010 Contacts Tab

Step 2:  Look for your contacts folder (it should be highlighted).  It will be labelled Contacts.  This is your normal contacts folder.  The one we’re looking for is labelled Suggested Contacts.  Let’s click on it.

Outlook 2010 Suggested Contacts

Outlook 2010 Suggested Contacts

Step 3:  Go through the list of contacts on the right.  These are people you have emailed and may not have a true contact for.  Double-click the contact and add additional emails.  They will now show up in your normal contacts list.

You may find people you need to follow up with, reconnect with, or people you deal with all the time that are missing from your list. 

If you are looking for affordable and fast IT or computer services in Wichita and surrounding areas, our highly-trained consultants can work for you.  Our rates are affordable, starting at just $70/hour with no minimum onsite service charges.  We can visit with you and help find ways you can save on your IT services without sacrificing quality, functionality or efficiency.  Call us today at (316) 337-5628 for a free consultation.  We can help with all areas of IT service from preventive monitoring to emergencies and disaster recovery.  Our network consultants are all college-educated and certified by major vendors in the IT field such as Dell, Microsoft and Cisco.

Applications, Executive IT Support, IT Support, Tips

IT Support Wichita KS – Making the Grade

Visit the Proper Technology Solutions homepage to learn more about affordable computer maintenance in Wichita and surrounding areas.

Wichita IT Support Helping Small Businesses

Proper Technology Solutions, LLC is a fairly new business in town.  While that fact gives some business owners pause, an increasing number of small business are giving us a shot and are happy with our results.  A majority of our customers have been referred to us by other happy customers.  We’ve proven ourselves to be reliable, quick and skilled in all areas of Information Technology.

Even though we’re a fresh young company, businesses can be assured that we have the experience and the knowledge to resolve their issues quickly and efficiently.  The youth of our company makes us that much hungrier to provide the best customer service possible; something that our customers tell us is lacking in larger firms.  Rest assured that our youth does not mean we lack experience.  Each of our technicians holds a degree (some at the graduate level) in Information Technology and certifications from the industry showing that they know their stuff.

As a tool to build our customer service skills, I have been compiling a list over the last few months of the reasons our customers left their old Wichita IT support company.  Here’s the most common:

  • Slow Response Times – When you have an issue with your computer network, smart phone or just your laptop, time is of the essence.  Most of our customers live and die by their systems and we understand that.  How long does it take for your current computer consultant to return your call?  If we don’t catch you on the phone right away, we’re usually sure to get back to you within the hour.
  • High Price Service – How much are you paying for service?  If you’re paying $100-$125/hour, you’re probably paying too much.  While those are fair prices for high-end network design and infrastructure work, it’s way too much to have someone remove a virus from your machine.  Our rates start at $70/hour for most services, performed by a computer consultant that truly cares about your business.
  • High Minimums – Most firms charge a premium for onsite service.  The standard is a one to two hour minimum to have someone come to your location.  Proper Technology has eliminated the minimum charges.  If we’re there for 15 minutes, you’ll be billed for 15 minutes.  We want you to call when you have problems, not wait to have them resolved when you can justify paying the minimum.
  • Unecessary Costs – You may not be aware of this one.  Small business can take advantage of some open source and freeware products, saving the annual maintenance costs of certain software packages without sacrificing quality.  Unfortunately, there’s no commission on free.

If you’re unhappy with your technology support, you shouldn’t be.  You are paying too much to be unhappy.  Call us today and let us discuss how we can save you money and improve your computer network.  We know we can provide outstanding service at levels equal or better than that of the larger firms.  We know, because we’ve worked for them.

Call us today at (316) 337-56238.  We can discuss your computer repair needs over

Business, Executive IT Support, IT Support

Tip: Sleep or Hibernate – IT Support Wichita

Visit our Homepage for information about how you can save money on your computer support in Wichita and surrounding areas.  Proper Technology Solutions

Wichita IT Support Tip for June 30th, 2011:

There are three options for shutting down your laptop when you are leaving for the day.  Are you choosing the right one?  Let’s look at the options:

  • Shutdown –  Shutdown is the option to choose for really turning off your laptop.  During the process, all open applications are closed and the computer turns off all power.  When restarting, Windows will need to be loaded completely.  If you’re not in a time crunch, this option will allow updates to install and will help keep the operating system running smoothly.
  • Sleep – Most laptops do this automatically when you shut the cover.   Sleep keeps the operating system and applications open and puts the computer in a low-power mode.  The key is, the laptop is still on and if not plugged in, the battery will drain.  If you’re planning on putting the laptop in your bag, don’t choose this option as the fans may become blocked and heat might be an issue.
  • Hibernate – This is the hybrid of the two modes above.  Hibernate saves the state of Windows and the open applications, kind of like putting in a bookmark.  Once done, the computer shuts down completely.  When restarting, Windows boots and reads those bookmarks, leaving you right back where you started.  A little slower to reboot than sleep, but a great choice if you’re leaving the office.

Normally, I only use Hibernate and Shutdown.  If I’ve got a log going on, I Hibernate the laptop before I leave the office.  If not, I’ll use Shutdown, allowing Windows to reset and start from scratch.

If you’re looking for fast and knowledgeable computer support in Wichita and surrounding areas, contact Proper Technology Solutions at (316) 337-5628.  With rates starting as low as $70/hour and NO minimum service charges, we can help lower your IT support costs, all while providing faster and more efficient service.

Business, IT Support, Tips

Tip: Wichita IT Support – Windows 7 Mortgage Calculator?

Wichita Technology Support Tip for June 21st, 2011

Looking for IT support in Wichita?  Visit our homepage: Proper Technology Solutions

At least once per day I find myself using the calculator built into Windows 7 on my laptop.  In fact, it’s pinned to my start menu.  Looking for topics for tips, I started exploring around to see what else it could do.  Lo and behold, there is a slew of pretty nifty features included in this age-old Windows tool.

Let’s hit the View menu to dive in:

Windows 7 Calculator - View Menu

Windows 7 Calculator - View Menu

Choose Scientific.  If you’re a math whiz, you’ll see some familiar features from the fancy calculator you used in Calculus class:

Windows 7 Calculator - Scientific

Windows 7 Calculator - Scientific

This functions with the big 4, it just adds in other features.  You can leave it as is if you want to impress people!

Let’s hit View again.  You can see there are two other options, Statistics and Programmer.  Not my field, but you can explore them on your own.

This time, let’s choose Unit Conversion.  Let’s say you have to convert from Miles to Kilometers or Kilograms to Pounds.  It doesn’t have everything, but it hits the high points.

Windows 7 Calculator - Unit Conversion

Windows 7 Calculator - Unit Conversion

Now the highlight for my real estate friends out there.  Hit View then Worksheets then select Mortgage.  You will know what to do with it better than I will.  There may be better tools out there, but this could do in a pinch if you’re on someone else’s machine.

If you are looking for solid IT support in Wichita and surrounding areas and want a trained technician that can not only help you, but teach you as well, call Proper Technology Solutions at (316) 337-5628.  Our network consultants are Information Technology professionals with degrees and industry certifications to back up their knowledge of computer repair and network design.  If your network is small or large, we can help you with your computer issues quickly and affordably with rates as low as $70/hour with No Minimum Service Charges.

Applications, Business, IT Support, Tips

Wichita IT Support – The Request Line is Open

Wichita Computer Tips Needed

We’re looking for some suggestions from our customers and readers.  What do you want to see as a detailed tip on this blog?  If there’s some task that you want simplified or explained, please let us know. 

IT Support Wichita KS

Proper Technology Solutions is a full-service IT support and computer consulting company.  We’re a new player in town and we founded our business because we saw a need for more affordable IT service for small businesses with faster response times.  We employ only college-educated and industry certified technicians; people you can feel comfortable having at your office, even in a customer-facing position.

Here are some of the IT solutions we can provide to our clients in Wichita and surrounding areas:

  • One-on-one or group training – Whether you need to work through a laundry list of ‘wish I coulds’ or familiarize your staff with their new Microsoft Office suite, we can provide a trainer with experience teaching at the college level, to all levels of users.
  • IT and network consulting – If you’re looking to add new technology to your organization by way of things like remote access, additional servers or new applications, feel free to call us and we can discuss the costs and some of the pitfalls you may run into.  We can tailor IT solutions to meet your functionality as well as your financial needs.
  • Computer repair – At home or at the office, we can repair just about any computer problem from failed hard drives to printer and monitor issues.
  • Customer domain names and emails – Ready to make the move from business@gmail.com to yourname@business.com? Your business will see a boost from the legitimacy of owning your own email domain name and the cost is lower than you might think.
  • Virus and Spyware removal– We can scan and clean your system and protect your data from theft.  Spyware and malware slow down your system significantly and make your computer more susceptible to attack.
  • Hardware sales – We’re committed to helping you purchase only the hardware that you really need.  We’ll never recommend a product that is overkill for your network or your needs.  Talk to us about your needs and budget, and we’ll get you the best possible solution for your business.
  • Software sales and consultation – Do you really need the expensive solution?  Talk to us about leveraging some of the free products from big name vendors like Microsoft and Google.  You could see the same performance and functionality with none of the associated costs.
  • Online backup solutions– Is your system backed up?  Are you compliant with current regulations like HIPAA, GLBA and SOX?  We can help secure your data with a hands-off, off-site backup.
  • Affordable rates – Our service rates are only $70/hour, almost 50% less than some of the other IT support providers in Wichita.  The same techs the same knowledge for half the cost.
  • NO MINIMUMS – Unlike other Wichita IT support companies, we don’t charge minimum service charges.  Combined with the low rates, this can add up to significant savings.  We recently billed a customer $35.  Their previous IT business would have charged them $200.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – We can help you lift your business higher in the search results on Google and other engines using ethical and natural means.  Be wary of companies that guarantee results.  They’ll get you to the top through methods frowned on by Google.  You may get to the top fast, but you might be knocked off the engine completely later.

Please contact us at (316) 337-5628 to discuss your needs or schedule a free on-site assessment of your network.

Business, Cloud Computing, Executive IT Support, IT Support, online backup, Search Engine Optimization, SEO

Tip: On the Road? Use InPrivate Browsing – IT Support Wichita

Wichita IT Support Tip for June 16th, 2011

If your business takes you on the road, you may find yourself using unfamiliar computer systems in unfamiliar places.  Whether it is a client’s network computer you are using to give a presentation, or the kiosk courtesy machine at your hotel, the things you are accessing most likely need to be kept secured.  On the road, I’m particularly interested in accessing my email, online banking accounts and accounting software.  If I don’t have my own computer, I’m using another system and I can’t be sure of the history or security of the network.

Today’s quick tip is a way to make sure that you’re not leaving a trail of breadcrumbs behind like a cyber Hansel and Gretel.  We all know that Internet browsers store cookies, history files and other data that can be used to track where you’ve been on the Internet.  Since the release of Internet Explorer 8, Microsoft has provided a quick and easy ways for users to beef up their security level on public networks like those found at hotels and conference centers.

InPrivate browsing started in IE8 and continues in the newest version, IE9.  Due to the new streamlined interface, it’s not a feature most users notice.  Before I get to finding it, let’s go over the basics.  InPrivate browsing allows you to surf the web without gathering cookies or leaving a history trail.  While this means privacy in public, using it at home will make you miss out on nice features such as having your email address automatically filled in on a login form.  What it won’t do, however, is keep your browsing private from your employer.  Just because you’re leaving no trace behind on the desktop doesn’t mean you’re not leaving a trace in a web filtering appliance.  The primary goal of InPrivate browsing is to keep you from accidentally leaving your bank account open to the next user of the machine!

The simplest way to use InPrivate browsing in IE9 is to use the key combination:


If you’re like me, you’ll want another option.  Here’s the second way to get to it:

Click the gear button (it’s the far right button in IE9).  Choose Safety, then choose InPrivate Browsing.

One more way to get to it:  Hit the ALT key to get the familiar File/Edit/View menu to pop up a the top of the screen.  Choose Tools then InPrivate Browsing.

Once there, you will get a new Internet Explorer window with a blue square by the address bar to let you know you’re in this special mode.  Any new windows that are opened from this one (say a site opens a new window) will be in InPrivate mode as well.

If the public computer you are using does not have IE8 or above, you’ll have to keep your privacy the old fashioned way.  Remember to log out of any site you log into, and uncheck any ‘keep me logged in’ boxes you see.

If you are looking for affordable small business or personal IT support, please contact us at Proper Technology Solutions at (316) 337-5628.  We are a Wichita IT support provider serving the metro and surrounding communities.  From desktop and server support to wide area networks and one-on-one training, we can provide fast, affordable service starting at just $70/hour with no minimum service charges.

IT Support

Looking For Great Wichita Computer Support?

Do any of these situations sound familiar?

  • You call your IT support provider and don’t hear back until the next day.
  • When a computer breaks, you wait until the next one goes down to justify the two hour minimum charge.
  • Calling a consultant to resolve your computer maintenance issue is a big hit to the bottom line.
  • Computer techs that come on-site don’t appear to know what they’re doing.
  • You feel like a small fish to your network consulting firm.

If you have experienced any or all of these, contact us at Proper Technology Solutions at (316) 337-5628.

Looking for a new Wichita IT Company?

Our goal in starting Proper Technology was to provide small businesses in Wichita with the computer and networking support they deserve, at honest prices they can afford.  Our technicians are responsive, college-educated and certified by major industry players like Microsoft and Cisco so they can resolve all your issues and provide the IT solutions your business needs.  Regardless of whether there is one computer at your business or fifty, we understand that those systems are the lifeblood of your organization.  If you are having an issue, we want to fix it right away.

We can ease the financial burden of IT systems in several ways:

  • NO Minimum service charges – Other Wichita IT businesses usually charge a two hour minimum for on-site service calls.  We’ve done away with the minimums so your business can have professional on-site support without the overhead.
  • Lower hourly rates – With rates starting at just $70/hour, we can provide enterprise-level IT support at half the rate of other IT support companies in Wichita
  • Leveraging open source – Some of the applications and services you are currently paying an annual maintenance charge for can be replaced by open source and free technology from big players such as Microsoft and Google.
  • Faster response times – If you don’t get help on the first call, we’re usually able to get back in touch with you in under an hour.  Your business is always our priority.
  • Experience and certification– Our computer support technicians are college-educated and are certified by Microsoft, Dell and Cisco to name a few.  You’ll be assured of a knowledgeable, professional tech every time.

Moving to a new IT service company is never fun.  We can help you take the sting out of the move by making sure we don’t bill you to ‘learn’ your network.  If it’s something out of the ordinary, it’s on us to know it, not on you.

Give me a call today at (316) 337-5628 to discuss your information technology needs.  We support a wide variety of industries in Wichita and surrounding areas and will be happy to discuss how we can lower your costs and boost your efficiency.

Information Technology Solutions

We can help with the following (to name just a few):

  • Network design
  • Computer repair
  • Wireless configuration
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Server configuration
  • Antivirus/Antimalware
  • New hardware
  • Software sales and installation
  • Network monitoring
  • One-on-one and group training at all levels
  • Online backup and cloud computing
  • Spam filtering
  • Mobile phone configuration
Business, Cloud Computing, IT Support, online backup, Search Engine Optimization, SEO

Tip: Summer’s Here and People are Phishing – Wichita Technology Support

If you’re in Wichita you’ve been feeling the heat of the summer as much as I have.  Some people might be thinking about going fishing, but the spammers and hackers on the net are thinking about Phishing.

Phishing is just that.  Hackers are fishing for information from users.  They send emails purporting to be from various secure sites, asking you to login to correct some issue.  Here’s a sample:

eBay Phishing Message Received in Wichita

eBay Phishing Message

This email plays on eBay users’ fears.  Too many Unpaid Item Strikes and your eBay account could be suspended.  If you click the link, you’ll be taken to what appears to be a standard eBay login page.  Unfortunately, it’s not eBay, and you’ve just given them your user name and password.  Some of the better scammers will redirect you to eBay after you ‘log in’ and you might already be logged in, so you’ll never know the difference.

The best bet is to think about it.  I’ve paid for everything on eBay, so why would I get this message?  Close the message, open your browser and pull up eBay yourself to see.  If there’s a problem, it will tell you right away.

If you’re unsure, check the link.  Hovering over the link in the email will show the destination:

Hovering over the Link

Hovering over the Link

Funny, that doesn’t look like an eBay address.  Don’t rely totally on this method.  It’s been known before to show ebay.com without actually going there.  It’s always the best bet to not follow the links in emails of this sort!

If you’re looking for computer support in Wichita and surrounding areas, call Proper Technology Solutions at (316) 337-5628 to discuss how we can help you save money on your network support, new software and hardware, or one on one and group training events.  Our network consultants can help with any system, large or small at rates starting at $70/hour with no minimum fees for onsite or remote support.  We strive to provide the best response times in the area.

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Wichita IT Support – Computer Support Services and Training

Proper Technology Solutions is committed to providing computer and network support for small business and individuals in Wichita and surrounding communities.  Our goal is to provide service that is both professional and personal by working with only the best college-educated and industry certified computer professionals in the area.

Wichita Technology Support

We’ve seen a need in Wichita for small business IT support that small businesses can afford.  To that end, we’ve lowered our hourly rate significantly compared to other support providers, and eliminated the dreaded ‘two hour minimum’ for on-site technical support.  We want your business to see the value in computer support with quick response times and professional, personable providers.

Executive Computer Service

While small businesses need network consultants and IT professionals, we also understand that most modern homes are networked as well.  Busy professionals are often required to use their own home network to connect to the office.  If the network is down, productivity suffers.  Let Proper Technology Solutions help with your home network as well.  We can come onsite and ensure that your network is functioning optimally and is secure.  We can also resolve pesky virus and malware issues that are making your system slow down significantly.

Wichita IT Companies

Wichita is our home base.  We don’t have branches or a parent company in another area.  We’re dedicated to supporting those businesses and individuals that make this city where we want to live.  As a small IT company, we feel we can offer top of the line support quicker, more efficiently and affordably than the bigger companies in town.  Most of our clients have made the switch after having experienced excessive wait times to hear back from their network consultants.  These same clients are happy to get a call back on any question or issue, usually within an hour, if not immediately.

Are you looking for better rates and better service?  Call us today at (316) 337-5628 or our after hours support line at (316) 210-7112.  We can discuss your needs over the phone or setup a free on-site visit to evaluate your network and find out where we can save you money and increase your efficiency.  Are you worried about the hassle of switching IT support providers?  We can help with the pain of transition.  We are familiar with all types of networks, big and small, and won’t bill you for a ‘learning curve’.  If we have to learn something new in order to support your business, it just makes us better in the long run.

Business, Executive IT Support, IT Support , , , , , ,