Category Archives: IT Support

Tip: Wichita IT Support – What is Search Engine Optimization?

SEO.  You have probably seen the letters before, most likely in the glut of emails you may receive from companies offering to rocket your website into the top of the search engine rankings overnight.  Though those companies are talking about … Continue reading

IT Support, Search Engine Optimization, SEO, Tips , , ,

Tip: Windows 7 Support – Pin It, Unpin It!

Today’s tip from IT support helps you keep your most needed applications right where you need them, without cluttering up the desktop with a sea of icons (guilty). If you’re running Windows 7 (if not, call us about  moving!), the … Continue reading

Applications, IT Support, Tips , , , , ,

Does Your Consultant Leverage Your Service Contracts?

We have all paid the bills for application software.  Have you ever noticed the line about technical support?  If your tech support person isn’t leveraging this asset, you may be paying more than you should to keep your applications running … Continue reading

Business, IT Support , , , ,

Tip: PowerPoint – Templates Make Life Easier

If you’re not harnessing the power of in your use of Microsoft Office 2010, you are depriving yourself of a wealth of free professional content. Today’s tip will help you leverage the free templates in Microsoft PowerPoint, helping you … Continue reading

Applications, IT Support, Tips , , , , ,

Get the Most From Your Microsoft Office – Free Training

Do you use Microsoft Office?  If you’re using Office 20010, 2007 or even 2003 and consider yourself a basic user, you will find value in our upcoming free Lunch And Learn offering Thursday, April 21st from Noon-2pm. Office 2010 – … Continue reading

Applications, Business, IT Support , , , , , ,

Tip: Click Here to Download Pictures? Training Outlook 2010

Have you ever seen this message in an email? Notice the red ‘x’ where the picture should be?  This actually serves as a distraction from the actual issue.  Look at the very top line.  Click here to download pictures… Outlook … Continue reading

Applications, IT Support, Tips , , , ,

Our IT Support Philosophy

I’ve been thinking lately about what our company philosophy might be regarding IT support services and am looking to draft a mission statement.  Why?  Proper Technology Solutions has a mission, we just need to clarify and direct it.  What better … Continue reading

Business, IT Support , , ,

Tip: Autosum in Excel 2010 – Adding It Up

As a Wichita IT support professional, I see a number of users mystified by using Microsoft Excel.  This powerful spreadsheet tool can be used for a number of things, the least of which is adding up the numbers, but that’s … Continue reading

Applications, IT Support, Tips , , ,

Wichita Computer Support – Learning Opportunity

On April 21st, 2011 from Noon-2pm we’re offering our first free lunch-and-learn seminar, Office 2010 – Business 101.  Join us for this informal training session designed to just give you that additional boost in your use of Office applications.  If … Continue reading

Applications, Business, IT Support , , ,

Tip: Do You Snap in Windows 7?

For those of us that don’t have the luxury of having the space for dual monitors or work on a laptop most of the time, comparing two files side-by-side means jogging windows around and resizing them manually. Windows 7 has … Continue reading

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