Wichita Computer Repair – What Does an IT Support Company Do?

For information about our Wichita Computer Repair Services, visit the homepage at Proper Technology Solutions.

IT Support – A Quick List

I’ve met a lot of people who have one main question when I tell them that I run an IT Support company here in Wichita.  “So what do you do?”  I’ll try to answer that with some of the services we provide.

Our clients include both residential and small business customers in Wichita KS and surrounding areas.  While some services we provide are mostly for business, there is quite a bit of overlap.  Here’s some of the highlights.  If it’s not here, feel free to ask us!

Wichita Computer Repair and IT Support Services

  • Virus Removal – Identify, quarantine and remove all varieties of virus, spyware and malware in order to make your system faster and more secure.
  • Software Installation and Upgrades –  We can help keep your system up to date with the latest versions of software up to and including Operating System upgrades.  This helps to keep your system operating efficiently and more securely.
  • Hardware Sales – Yes, we sell hardware as well.  We are a Dell Partner (amongst others) and can help you determine what will suit your needs best.  From simple desktops for home to advanced networking equipment, we can assist and will never try to ‘upsell’ you into equipment that you or your business simply don’t need.
  • Software Sales – We can purchase licensing for most software packages for home and small business, including cloud-based products like Office 365 and Exchange Online
  • Online Backup – We can provide highly encrypted and hands-off automated backup solutions through a local vendor.  The upside is that your important business data is always backed up and available.  With a local vendor, not only can we restore all of your data, we can even restore huge backups the same day.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – How are people searching for you on the web?  Run and Google ‘IT Support Wichita’ or ‘Computer Support Wichita’ (We’ll wait!).  Good, ethical SEO techniques can help your site rise to the top.
  • Monitoring – Small business with a server?  We can monitor your server 24/7, perform preventative maintenance and be alerted of errors and pending issues before they cause downtime to your organization.
  • Parental Control – For residential customers, we can come out to your home and install web content filtering and show you how to control it, blocking adult content, gambling, or any combination of dozens of categories.  Best of all, the software is free and we only charge for the initial setup.
  • SPAM Filtering – If you own your own email address (yourcompany.com), we can setup a SPAM filtering solution.  Most of our customers using our service end up seeing (or not seeing) 50-85% of their incoming email blocked with few false-positives.
  • Training – Both business and residential, one to one or small groups.  With over four years of experience teaching in a post-secondary Bachelor’s program for IT, our trainer can assist from PC 101-type instruction to advanced networking.
  • Network and Wireless Design and Implementation – That’s a mouthful!  We can design and implement full networks for new or transitioning businesses, from single-office connections to multi-state secure VPN solutions.

So that’s a quick overview!  If there’s something you’d be interested in that I haven’t covered, let me know.  We can usually do just about anything required, or will be happy to refer you to someone who can do the job best.  What’s important to us is that your business or home has the best technology experience possible!

If you’re looking for IT support for small business or simply virus removal for your home computer, give us a call at Proper Technology Solutions,  (316) 337-5628.  We’re here to help!  To get daily tips delivered, ‘Like’ us on Facebook.


Applications, Business, Computer Repair, Executive IT Support, IT Support, Malware, online backup, Search Engine Optimization, SEO, Spam Filtering, Spyware, Virus Removal

Wichita Computer Repair – Virus Removal, Malware Removal, Spyware Removal…Yes, We Do That!

For information about our Wichita Computer Repair Services, visit the homepage at Proper Technology Solutions.

Mark your calendars: August 1st, 2013 8am-8pm.  Bring your old laptop in for virus removal and optimization service for only $40.00.  RSVP on our Facebook events page to save $5.00.  http://goo.gl/FGm65 .  Full Flyer here: http://www.properwichita.com/laptopday2013.pdf

Virus, Malware, Spyware – What?

These three terms have become so interchangeable and overlapping I won’t go into too much detail on the difference.  The thing to remember is that they are all bad, and the odds are you may have one of the three already!

Here’s links to the definitions to those so inclined:  Malware  , Spyware, Virus

Good Antivirus software will block some of these, but there is a terrible limitation on how effective they can be.  Let me explain a little bit about how most antivirus software works as a reason why.

Antivirus Software

Normal antivirus software recognizes malicious software, malware, spyware and virus programs through definitions.  Definitions are a list of symptoms, either a certain file on the machine, a certain registry entry or add-ons to browsers like Internet Explorer.  Just like a human virus, a computer virus has to be identified and studied before a cure can be developed.

Fortunately for humans, hundreds of new types of virus aren’t created every day like in the computer world.  A computer virus can be rapidly developed or modified so that it is no longer recognized by the antivirus software.  Add to this the fact that the Internet is a global community, so the virus can spread incredibly fast.

Bottom line, the ‘doctors’ just can’t keep up with the speed at which a typical virus moves and therefore you contract it before your ‘immune system’ (Antivirus software) can catch up!

Some Virus, Malware and Spyware Examples

I’m adding a few screenshots of things that are going around right now.  Just like human diseases, they can be pretty frightening, which is the virus-writer’s goal:


These can show messages purporting to be from various government agencies, accusing you of a crime and offering to ‘unlock’ your computer in exchange for a $200-$300 payment.   The FBI even has a recording about this, due to the number of calls and the number of people mailing money cards to the Bureau.

Wichita Computer Repair - FBI Virus Example

Wichita Computer Repair - FBI Virus Example

Another one:

Wichita Computer Repair - Virus Example

Wichita Computer Repair - Virus Example

The previous examples completely lock up your computer until you fulfill their demands or remove the virus.  Unfortunately, many of them restrict your ability to run the tools that will remove them.  The first victim is usually your antivirus software.  What if a human virus was smart enough to know which antibodies would come after it?

Fake Antivirus Messages

Another common scare tactic is to present you with fake antivirus messages, making you think your computer is infected (it is, but not like they tell you!)

Here’s an image of one:

Wichita Computer Repair - Fake Antivirus

Wichita Computer Repair - Fake Antivirus

Here’s how the story usually goes:

FAKE AV: You have 762 malicious files on your machine! To remove them, Scan now.
USER:  Clicks the SCAN button.
FAKE AV: Well….we can’t remove all of them with the Free version.  Do you want to buy the full version for $69.95?

When I’m performing virus removals, customers commonly ask me why people make these things.  The answer is right there.  Virus writers years ago wrote for prestige and fame.  Now money is the goal.

Infected? – Some Things to Try

There are a couple of good malware, spyware and virus removal packages available free on the Internet.  If you can get them installed and run, they may help.  Unfortunately, some of the malicious software won’t even let you get that far.

Malwarebytes  – Make sure the software definitions are up to date and run a full scan.

SuperAntiSpyware – Run a full scan and make sure to look for the ‘remove’ button when it is done.

If your own attempts at virus removal don’t work, call us at Proper Technology Solutions (316) 337-5628.  We have experience in removing virus infections, even the most tricky ones out there.

Computer Repair, IT Support, Malware, Spyware, Virus Removal

Wichita Computer Repair Tip: Insert a Table of Contents in Your Microsoft Word 2010 or Word 2013 Document

For information about our Wichita Computer Repair Services, visit the homepage at Proper Technology Solutions.


Add a Table of Contents to Your Microsoft Word 2010 or 2013 Document

Want to see it done?  Check out our YouTube video at: http://youtu.be/53HmenfhJxY
Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more tips! 

Make your documents look more professional with a quick and easy automated Table of Contents in Word 2010 or Word 2013.

Step 1: First we need to standardize the headings in your documents.

Standardizing Headings
Standard Headings

Look for the box above on your Ribbon Bar under Home (Default).  As a standard, Choose Title for the title of your document, then Heading 1 as your highest level of organization.  Simply highlight the text you want and click the buttons above.

Use Heading 2 for items that will appear grouped with Heading 1 for sub items.

Formatting the Headings

The section of a document above is formatted for our Table of Contents.  Let’s see how it looks by inserting a table at the beginning of the document.

Step 2: Inserting a blank page to hold the Table of Contents

Scroll to the top of your document and click the Insert tab on the Ribbon bar.  Look for the Blank Page icon and click it.

Inserting the Blank Page
Inserting the Blank Page

Click the References tab on the Ribbon bar and look for the Table of Contents Icon.

Inserting the TOC
The Table of Contents Icon

Clicking on the TOC icon gives you a selection screen.  The first option is usually fine, but try experimenting with the others.

Table of Contents Choices

Once you’ve selected your style, your TOC should be inserted:

Completed Table of Contents
Completed Table of Contents

Step 3: Update your TOC as you add content.  Right Click on the Table of Contents and select Update Field and the sub-option Update Entire Table.

If you’re looking for Wichita computer repair expertise for small business and residential settings, call us at (316) 337-5628.

Applications, Business, IT Support, Microsoft Word 2010, Microsoft Word 2013 , ,

Wichita Computer Repair – Big Box Repairs

For information about our Wichita Computer Repair Services, visit the homepage at Proper Technology Solutions.

Wichita Computer Repair Services

Are you or do you know someone that takes their computer in for repair at one of the big box stores?  Best Buy’s Geek Squad, Office Max or one of the others?  If so, do yourself a favor and give us a call at Proper Technology Solutions.  You can call and speak to a tech at (316) 337-5628 and we can determine how we can assist you with expert computer support at a reasonable price.

Most of our residential computer repair customers in Wichita have found that we offer quicker turn-around times and lower costs, not to mention the convenience.  You can either drop your machine off at our offices or a tech can come onsite to your home or business.  For the same cost or lower, you’ll enjoy a tech that has more experience, at a reduced rate, helping to keep your money in the local community.  We are a 100% Wichita owned computer repair company with over 30 years combined experience in the Wichita technology community.

Questions?  Drop us a line.


Business, Computer Repair, IT Support

Wichita Computer Repair – Making Sure Windows Updates Are Running

For information about our Wichita Computer Repair Services, visit the homepage at Proper Technology Solutions.

Windows Updates

In our last blog entry, Watch Out for Hitchhikers, we talked about the importance of making sure that applications installed from the Internet aren’t including extra software that we don’t want.

Today’s entry is about those updates that can be critical to help you prevent those applications/malware that don’t even ask you for an install.

For today, we’re using Windows 7 as an example, since it is still the most common PC operating system on the market.  First off, let’s open the Windows Updates console:

Step 1: Go to the Start flag at the bottom left of your computer. In the ‘search programs and files’ box at the bottom, type in ‘Windows Update’.

Step 2: Click on  ‘Windows Update’ from the program list.  (It should be at the top)

Step 3:  Look over the screen below:

Wichita Computer Repair - Windows Update Console

Wichita Computer Repair - Windows Update Console

Check the following entries:

Most recent check for updates – This should be very recent
Updates were installed – This should be close to the above date

Step 4:  Before we check for and install updates, let’s click the ‘Change Settings’ link in the menu on the left:

Windows Computer Repair - Windows Updates Settings

Windows Computer Repair - Windows Updates Settings

Highlights we are looking for are:

Important Updates: Install Updates Automatically (recommended)
* Make sure the Install new updates is set for ‘Every day’ and at a time when your PC will be on.
All of the other boxes should be checked.
Click OK.

Step 5: Back on the main Windows Update Console, click on ‘Check for updates’.  This may take a few minutes.  Once it comes up, if you see there are updates to be installed as in the picture, click on ‘Install Updates’.

Wichita Computer Repair - Installing Updates

Wichita Computer Repair - Installing Updates

Step 6:  Review the updates.  Anything in ‘Important’ you should allow to install.
*Note, if you’re trying to avoid getting a particular update like IE10 because a website you use doesn’t support it, right click on that update and choose ‘Hide update’.  Generally, I ignore the ‘Optional Updates’.  Now click OK.

Step 7: Click Install updates back on the main Windows Update Console.

You are now configured to receive automatic updates.  Pop into the console every so often to make sure it hasn’t stopped for some reason.  Those dates should be recent, as Microsoft releases updates at least every Tuesday.

At Proper Technology Solutions, we are your Wichita computer repair experts.  Our staff is all certified by Microsoft and other major vendors to ensure that we can take care of all your computer needs.  From simple virus/spyware removal to optimizing systems for speed all the way to large-scale network design, we can assist you, all while keeping your bottom line in mind.




Business, Computer Repair, IT Support, Tips

Wichita IT Support – Watch Out For Hitchhikers!

For information about our Wichita IT Support Services, visit the homepage at Proper Technology Solutions.

Software That Comes Along for the Ride

I tend to call them software hitchhikers.  They tag along with software that you want to install, generally with the free applications we all use from the web.  We’re also all aware of the dangers of picking up hitchhikers in real life.  This is similar.  Did you ever wonder where you get those toolbars in Internet Explorer, or some different ‘security’ applications you might see.

As a Wichita IT support company, we see all of them, and this post is designed to help you avoid some of the pitfalls our customers encounter installing applications from the web.  With that in mind, I offer three suggestions that will go a long way towards leaving these hitchhikers on the road.

Suggestion 1:

The first thing you should be asking yourself is:  Do I really need this application?  Some may offer the same features that are already built into the operating system.  If it passes this test, move to suggestion 2!

Suggestion 2:

Read EVERY prompt carefully during the install.  I know, I’m yelling.  Just wanted to get your attention because this is really important!  As users, we tend to get into the ‘Next’ habit.  When we see the ‘next’ or ‘continue’ prompt, we press it, regardless of what the screen says.  So-called ‘free’ software vendors usually fall into the TANSTAAFL category (There’s No Such Thing As A Free Lunch) and are trying to make their money somehow.  My favorites are the ones who offer additional features to the program if you pay a registration fee, though these are getting few and far in-between.  When reading the prompts, look for any check boxes or a list of what will be installed.

Suggestion 3:

Installing an application, you may be prompted to choose between an “Express” or “Custom” installation.  It’s tempting and faster to choose Express.  Unfortunately, this is the new way of hiding hitchhikers.  Express install will add additional applications, and the only way you’ll see them is to choose the custom installation.  Don’t be afraid of the custom install.  You’ll get a list of what is going to be installed and have the opportunity to uncheck items you don’t want.  If you are downloading a photo viewer and one of the options is a music player, uncheck it.  Some will even have markings next to the components similar to ‘required’, which will tell you what really needs to be installed to run the application.


Here’s a pair of examples to show what we’re talking about and how these hitchhikers are getting into your system:

Java Updates

My IT support clients ask me this all the time.  “Do I need to install Java updates when it prompts?”  The short answer is “Yes!”.  The long answer is, “Yes, but read the prompts!”

Here’s a graphic showing the second step of the Java install process for the most recent update my system prompted me to install:

Windows IT Support - Java Update Prompt

Windows IT Support - Java Update Prompt

Oh, that ‘Next’ button looks so tempting, doesn’t it.  I want to click it myself.  Hold up, what’s with the check box?  “Install the Ask Toolbar and make Ask my default search provider”

Not only will we get an unneeded toolbar, any time we search from the address bar, we’ll get Ask.com instead of Google or Bing.  When was the last time you used Ask?

Adobe Reader

Yes, Reader is a great tool.  Check the download page:

Wichita IT Support - Adobe Reader Download Page

Wichita IT Support - Adobe Reader Download Page

Check the check box.  Ah, now we see it.  Do you really want that?

If you’re looking for small business or residential IT support in Wichita and surrounding communities, give us a call at (316) 337-5628.  We can help you with all of your support needs.  One of our trained and certified network technicians can help you either remotely or at your location.

IT Support

Wichita IT Support – Expanding to Provide Better Service

For information about our Wichita IT Support Services, visit the homepage at Proper Technology Solutions.

Expanding Our Wichita IT Support

Over the past two and a half years, Proper Technology Solutions has grown by leaps and bounds.  Almost unanimously, what our customers appreciate over their previous IT support providers is our speed in addressing their issues.  The number one complaint we hear is that IT support companies aren’t responsive enough to keep up with issues affecting business.

As most of our customers are small and medium businesses like our own, we know what downtown and outages can do to productivity, so we strive for the best response and resolution times possible.

With that in mind, as our customer base grows, we’re growing the support staff as well.  We’ve recently added a new technician and we’ll give some background information on his skills and qualifications as he comes on board.  Suffice it to say he has the technical skills and know-how that we have come to expect from our network engineers!

If you’re looking for solid Wichita IT Support, please give us a call at (316) 337-5628.  We can visit with you over the phone or onsite to evaluate your IT support needs and show you how we can make your IT more effective and efficient to add to your bottom line.


Business, IT Support

Wichita IT Support – Sometimes It’s the Little Things

For information about our Wichita IT Support Services, visit the homepage at Proper Technology Solutions.

Big Network Issue – Little Tiny Problem

RJ-45 Network Plug

RJ-45 Network Plug

See that little clip on the top of the network jack?  It’s a big deal.  Really.  Let me elaborate.

I received notification from our Proper Monitoring System that a server at a client had gone offline.  I logged into our remote system and had serious trouble logging into any of their servers.  That’s when the calls started coming in.

  • Email is down
  • Can’t access network drives
  • Citrix isn’t working
  • VPN is down

These calls came in from across the U.S., as this was a nationwide customer.  Suddenly, my one down server was a major issue.

I went onsite to look at the system in person.  For a little background, this network runs on two giant servers that host five virtual servers apiece, with all the storage located on an external NAS device.  After rebooting the servers, which had fixed similar issues in the past, I was given a message that the storage required was unavailable.  I traced numerous cables from the NAS boxes to the switch at the top of the rack.


Wichita IT Support - Cables in Switch

Wichita IT Support - Cables in Switch

The light corresponding to the top-left cable was off.  Everything else was normal.  A little jiggling of the cable and the light came back on.  Servers started coming up.

Turns out the phone service had been in, and needed to unplug their cable from the switch.  Apparently, during tracing the cables, this one wiggled out just enough to go offline.  Why?  The orange boot on the network cable was depressing the locking clip on the RJ-45 jack and it could be freely removed and reinserted just with a light tug.

When plugging network cables in, make sure the locking mechanism is working!  Just give it a light tug once it snaps in.  If the locking mechanism is broken off (common), throw the cable away.

So the moral of the case study is:  One tiny piece of plastic can take down a nationwide network.  Details count!

If you’re looking for top-notch business or residential IT support in Wichita and surrounding areas, give us a call at (316) 337-5628.  We’ll be happy to discuss your IT needs and how we can help make your systems more efficient and lower your technology costs.




IT Support

Computer Repair Wichita – Where Does IT Hurt?

For information about our Wichita IT Support Services, visit the homepage at Proper Technology Solutions.

Where Does IT Hurt?

Why is it we only visit the Doctor when something is wrong?  Wouldn’t it be nice to go into the doctor when you feel good and have him/her say ‘Hey, if you do this, you’ll feel even better?’

So where does your IT hurt?  If things are running smoothly, don’t get complacent.  Dream a dream, build a wish-list.  Wouldn’t it be great if our system would let us (insert your own words here)?

Most likely, it can.  We love to help individuals and small businesses make the most of their computer systems and services.  In a lot of cases, after working in a business for a couple of months, we reach out to them:  ‘Hey, did you know you could…’.  These comments usually result in our implementing the project.  Though we can never say we’ve seen it all, we’ve seen a lot!

Here’s some thoughts:

  • Exchange Mail – Even small businesses can leverage the great features and collaboration with Exchange accounts.  Shared calendars, public folders, full pain-free phone/PC email, calendar and contacts synchronization.  Just two users?  No problem.
  • Online Backup – Hassle-free online backup.  Small to large, we can not only keep your data safe, we can have it ALL back to you within a day (probably same day if it’s early enough).
  • Training – Forget the classroom environment.  If you just have yourself or another co-worker needing to learn some ways to be more productive, call us.

Just the tip of the iceberg.  For business or residential Wichita IT Support, give us a call at (316) 337-5628.  Computer repair, service, maintenance and everything in-between.

Business, Computer Repair, IT Support, online backup

Wichita IT Support – Always Ready to Help

For information about our Wichita IT Support Services, visit the homepage at Proper Technology Solutions.

Always Ready to Help

At Proper Technology Solutions,  we’re always ready to help.  Kind of an informal motto.  It’s what we do, and what we love.  Here are some ideas of how we can help you or your business succeed through technology:

Wichita Computer Repair

We are your Wichita computer repair specialists.  If you live in Wichita or surrounding communities, we can come onsite to your home or business to service your computer equipment, either PC or Mac.  Whether you just need your machine cleaned and optimized, virus removal, software or hardware installation, our responsive and well-trained techs will get your issues resolved quickly.

Wichita IT Support

We’re always ready to help businesses as well.  We have experience ranging from large multi-state companies with VPN connectivity and Citrix to small one to two computer companies that just need a little guidance here and there.  Our founding goal as an IT consulting firm was to provide an option allowing even the smallest businesses to have true enterprise-level IT services and support.

Wichita Computer Training

We offer one-on-one and small group training.  Just need to learn how to do a mail-merge?  We’ve got you covered.  Most of our one-on-one customers simply create what we like to call a ‘laundry list’ of what they want to learn during their next session.  Our key instructor has years of experience teaching networking and IT students of all skill ranges in pursuit of a four-year IT degree.

Wichita Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

You’ve heard the buzzword.  We can either take over the optimization of your site, or simply present a training session that will help you take your page to the next level, ideally the front page of Google.  Once you hit the front page, we’ll give you the tools you need to make it first to ‘above the fold’, then straight to the top.  Unlike other services you may have seen, we can’t guarantee that we can get you to number one.  The fastest way to the top is through dishonest SEO, and sooner or later, it comes back to haunt you.  We will teach (or practice) natural optimization, making sure Google knows what your site is really about (that’s what rankings are really about, anyway!)

Give us a call at (316) 337-5628.  We’ll be happy to show you how we can help you grow and evolve; it’s a lot easier to do if the computers are running smoothly.


Business, Cloud Computing, Computer Repair, IT Support, Mac, Search Engine Optimization, SEO