Author Archives: Kevin Peterson

IT Support Wichita – Watch out for Licensing Issues

For more information about computer maintenance and support in Wichita KS, visit our homepage at Proper Technology Solutions. What’s in a Software License? Software licensing is a tricky subject.  Most companies want to keep their businesses legal, but sometimes the intricacies … Continue reading

IT Support

Wichita IT Support – Digital Signatures Make Going Paperless Easy

For more information about computer and network support in Wichita KS, visit our homepage at Proper Technology Solutions. A Digital Signature Case Study Recently, a customer asked us to help them streamline their paperwork flow and get important data where it needed … Continue reading

IT Support

Tip: SEO Gets You Noticed – Wichita Small Business PC Support

For more information about computer and network support in Wichita KS, visit our homepage at Proper Technology Solutions. Search Engine Optimization If you own your own domain name for your website and you’re the administrative contact, you’ve probably heard the … Continue reading

Business, IT Support, Search Engine Optimization, Tips , ,

Wichita IT Support – Apple? We Do That.

For more information about computer and network support in Wichita KS, visit our homepage at Proper Technology Solutions. Apple/Mac IT support in Wichita KS Recently, a potential customer called and asked if we did support and training on Apple computers.  Absolutely.  Though the majority of our … Continue reading

Apple, Business, IT Support, Mac , , , ,

IT Support Wichita – Certified Consultants Make the Difference

For more information about computer and network support in Wichita KS, visit our homepage at Proper Technology Solutions. What’s in an Information Technology Certification? There are several industries and needs here in Wichita where you might decide to hire outside … Continue reading

Business, IT Support , , , , ,

Tip: Getting the Job Done – From Home – Wichita IT Support

For more information about computer and network support in Wichita KS, visit our homepage at Proper Technology Solutions. Wichita IT Support Tip for February 3rd, 2011 Business today is fast-paced and hectic.  We’ve all been there.  Sometimes you just have … Continue reading

Applications, IT Support, Tips , , , ,

Wichita IT Support – Happy Anniversary!

For more information about computer support in Wichita KS, visit our homepage at Proper Technology Solutions or call us direct at (316) 337-5628. Celebrating One Year of IT Support In Wichita This weekend marked the one year anniversary of the start of … Continue reading

Business, IT Support , ,

Wichita IT Support – Megaupload and the Cloud

For more information about computer support in Wichita KS, visit our homepage at Proper Technology Solutions or call us direct at (316) 337-5628. Whether you are a techie-type like myself or not, you’ve probably heard the news story about the … Continue reading

Business, Cloud Computing, IT Support , , , ,

Computer Support Wichita – Solid State Experiments

For more information about computer support in Wichita KS, visit our homepage at Proper Technology Solutions. Solid State Drives (SSD) Improving System Performance As a computer support professional, it’s my job to stay in touch with the latest in gadgets … Continue reading

Applications, Business, IT Support

Wichita IT Support – Is Spam Bogging You Down?

For more information about computer and network support in Wichita KS, visit our homepage at Proper Technology Solutions. Honestly,  how much time do you spend wading through the slew of spam in your inbox every morning or throughout the day? … Continue reading

Applications, Cloud Computing, IT Support, Spam Filtering