Category Archives: IT Support

TIP: Conditional Formatting in Excel 2010

Excel is a powerful tool for creating spreadsheets.  How much of it do you use in your business? Conditional formatting is one more technique you can use to add value to your spreadsheet and automate tasks.  Lets say we have … Continue reading

Applications, IT Support, Tips , , , ,

Acrobat Reader X – The IT Consultant’s View

Take a look at your Adobe Acrobat Reader the next time you open a PDF.  Hit the Help->About and check your version number.  You might be surprised at how far behind you have become. Is it bad to be behind?  … Continue reading

Applications, IT Support

Why Teach? IT Consultants, Education and Lifelong Learning

Some of my consulting clients as well as my students often ask me why I teach.  I have been teaching college-level network security classes in Wichita for two years now and continue to enjoy the experience. The first reason is what’s … Continue reading

IT Support

Computer Services: Dell Partnership Announcement – Servers, Desktops, Laptops and SANs

We’ve recently created a partnership with Dell to allow us to provide a wide variety of technology to our IT consulting customers. We recommend four years as a refresh rate for computers in small businesses.  If your computers are performing … Continue reading

IT Support

Tip: Google Previewing Window

I was searching for something in Google last night and found something that I apparently had not noticed before.  I don’t know if it is a new thing, but I found it highly useful and thought I would post it … Continue reading

Applications, IT Support, Tips

Windows 7 Service Pack 1

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 has been released.  I normally install service packs first on my home computer (with apologies to my wife) to test their stability before I install them on my day-to-day work computer.  As an IT consultant, … Continue reading

Applications, IT Support

Tip: Outlook 2010 Default Send Account

Just like previous versions of Outlook, the 2010 version supports all of the great features we’ve come to expect from this product.  As an IT consultant, I’ve recommended Outlook and the Microsoft Office Suite for years.  It provides a stability … Continue reading

Applications, IT Support, Tips

Tip: Microsoft Security Essentials Offers Free Small Business Antivirus

If you run a small business with ten computers or fewer, did you know that you are entitled to free antivirus protection from Microsoft? As a networking consultant, I am always looking for ways to cut costs for my customers … Continue reading

Applications, IT Support, Tips