Tip: Outlook 2010 Default Send Account

Just like previous versions of Outlook, the 2010 version supports all of the great features we’ve come to expect from this product.  As an IT consultant, I’ve recommended Outlook and the Microsoft Office Suite for years.  It provides a stability and a familiar interface that employees will recognize from other employers, giving them the built-in training that gets them out of the starting gate quickly.  Familiarity of applications can keep IT support costs low.

As in other versions, Outlook can be configured to support multiple email accounts (though still only one Exchange server account).  The difference is in the default ‘send as’ setting.  In previous versions, your emails by default would go out through the ‘default’ account, and you would have to select another account within that email to have it send through a different email address.  Not so in Outlook 2010.  This new version tries to determine the intention of the user, which can cause problems until you become familiar with the way it does business.

In your list of folders, you will have multiple inboxes to automatically sort your email by account.  When you have one inbox selected, any new mail you create will go out through that account.  The downside is that if you don’t pay attention, you may end up sending your email through the wrong account.  You still have the option of changing the ‘send as’ on each email, but the default will be the active account you have selected in the folder list.

Pay attention.  Though it may be convenient to have your office account and your home account in Outlook, it can be embarrassing when you send your high-powered client an email about a bid through your ‘fuzzykittens64’ account through MSN.

For consulting and IT support in Wichita KS, call Proper Technology Solutions at:
(316) 337-5628 or (316) 210-7112 for after-hours or emergencies.

Applications, IT Support, Tips

Google Analytics – A Great Tool for Consultants and Businesses

If you run a website, or manage a website as a consultant, you should be using Google Analytics.  If you’re not, you’re missing out on a wealth of information.  Analytics will tell you where your visitors are coming from, be it search, referring sites and even the keywords they are using.  As a networking consultant, it gives me an idea of how to improve the customer’s website to drive more traffic to the business.

Google Analytics Dashboard View

Google Analytics Dashboard View

The Dashboard View shows us just an overview of the capabilities of Analytics.  If you want to use Google Analytics for your site, or just benefit from having someone analyze and report, give us a call today or drop us an email (316) 337-5628.

Applications, Business

COMPUTER SERVICES WICHITA – Internet Explorer 9 Beta – Enter HTML 5

If you are a business running a website, this is one update you shouldn’t ignore.  IE9 ushers in the new era of HTML 5.  What this means for most small businesses and consultants is that their website may very well be in need of an update.  By adhering to stricter rules, IE9 will display web pages more accurately in line with the way they are coded to the standard.  Unfortunately, if the page was not coded to standards in the first place, the page could not display at the worst and popup annoying security messages at the best.

My own experience running IE9 over the last week or so is that about 30% of pages I visit that have some sort of scripting behind them have issues.  As a consultant, this worries me.  Some display poorly, and otheres will only display correctly if I accept a warning message that pops up when I enter the website.  Most web visitors may simply move on to another site versus going to the trouble of getting the site to display correctly or open it in another compatible web browser.

I’m advising my clients to run a test.  Install Internet Explorer 9 on a system and check the company website.  Drill into all the pages, forms and activities most users will be utilizing.  Check for display errors and system messages that are likely to be displayed.  Determine whether they will be a factor in the usability of the website.  If there are problems, drop me a line here or call to discuss.  (316) 210-7112


Apple Releases Mac OS X Lion for Developers

Read my new article on the new Mac OS X Lion release.  Things are looking sharp for the Mac OS.  They are integrating some of the user-friendly features from the iPhone and iPad OS and porting them to the desktop/laptop platform.

Proper Technology also does IT support for Macs.  Drop us an email or call (316) 771-7507.


Tip: Microsoft Security Essentials Offers Free Small Business Antivirus

If you run a small business with ten computers or fewer, did you know that you are entitled to free antivirus protection from Microsoft?

As a networking consultant, I am always looking for ways to cut costs for my customers without cutting their security or the effectiveness of their IT solutions.  Microsoft Security Essentials is one application that we use to acheive this goal.  While most ‘free’ antivirus solutions are licensed for home use only, Security Essentials allows small businesses to run enterprise-level antivirus software without annual or per machine charges.

Effectively the home version of Microsoft’s flagship Forefront Endpoint Protection, Security Essentials provides similar coverage without the centralized network infrastructure.  While centralized management of antivirus is a strong tool for larger enterprises, Security Essentials is an outstanding option and I recommend it for my small businesses clients in Wichita KS.

With the current level of spyware and malware on the Internet, every small business needs a solution that will protect them against these threats.  In later posts, I will discuss some hints and tips on avoiding these pitfalls and the associated support costs.

For IT support in Wichita KS, drop us an email or call at (316) 771-7507.

Applications, IT Support, Tips

COMPUTER SERVICES – Proper Technology Solutions, LLC Opens in Wichita, KS

We started Proper Technology Solutions, LLC in order to provide enterprise-level IT support and computer services in Wichita, KS.

IT support has always been a passion of mine.  Over the years I have had the pleasure to work with organizations of all sizes and would like to haave the opportunity to help assist your business with your IT needs.

From standard desktop troubleshooting to full-service network monitoring, design and support, our industry certified technicians are available 24/7 to assist in making IT work for you.  Whether you need a pesky virus or spyware infection cleaned from your machine or need a design and implementation plan for a multi-location network, we can help.

Our IT consultants are currently hold certifications from Microsoft, Cisco, Dell, CompTIA and other industry organizations.  We can help you make your current technology work more effectively, or recommend affordable solutions designed to make your business more efficient.

Currently, we assist customers with the following needs:

  • Desktop support
  • Server support
  • Hardware sales and support
  • Software sales and support
  • Network equipment sales and support
  • Proactive network monitoring
  • Online marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Computer maintenance
  • Online backup solutions  …and much more.

Our rates are competitive, starting at $70/hour with no minimums and no commitments.

Check this page often for tips and techniques that will help you get the most out of your current IT infrastructure.

Thanks for visiting.  Feel free to contact me at (316) 771-7507 to setup a free onsite evaluation of your current network.
