Category Archives: Business

Business topics surrounding the IT support field in Wichita KS

IT Support in Wichita – Free Computer Classes

We’re getting ready to announce our first IT Support 101 class in Wichita tomorrow at the Chamber of Commerce business mixer.  The title of the class is Microsoft Word – Beyond Typing will cover some elements of Microsoft Word that … Continue reading

Applications, Business, IT Support , ,

Wichita IT Support – Some Early Success Stories

We’ve been in business for just around two months now and have chalked up some success stories for our IT support customers.  As a network consultant, I like to have the opportunity to help customers see the value in their … Continue reading

Business, IT Support , ,

Security Policies and Implementation Issues

So tomorrow night starts my first class for my new ‘Security Policies and Implementation Issues’ course.  It should be a fun class to teach.  I have had the pleasure of having all the students in previous classes, so I think … Continue reading

Business, IT Support , ,

IT Consulting in Wichita – Moving to College Hill

It’s not a settled deal yet, but Proper Technology Solutions, LLC will likely be moving from South Wichita to a location in the College Hill area of Wichita.  Once the move is finalized, I will post details and new contact … Continue reading

Business, IT Support , ,

COMPUTER SERVICES – Low Cost IT Support for Wichita KS

I started Proper Technology Solutions in order to offer Wichita businesses professional IT support services at prices small business owners can afford.  Our technicians are college-educated and carry certifications from some of the industry’s biggest organizations.  We strive to present … Continue reading


Google Analytics – A Great Tool for Consultants and Businesses

If you run a website, or manage a website as a consultant, you should be using Google Analytics.  If you’re not, you’re missing out on a wealth of information.  Analytics will tell you where your visitors are coming from, be … Continue reading

Applications, Business

COMPUTER SERVICES – Proper Technology Solutions, LLC Opens in Wichita, KS

We started Proper Technology Solutions, LLC in order to provide enterprise-level IT support and computer services in Wichita, KS. IT support has always been a passion of mine.  Over the years I have had the pleasure to work with organizations … Continue reading
